The world is fucked up. There's no way around it- it just is. What if you could pin down the turning point where everything spiraled out of control? What if you were given the opportunity to take back the shot gun blast that started it all?
In 11/22/63 a High School teacher finds a worm hole in time and goes back to 1958 to stop the Kennedy assassination. Yes- you heard me right- he has to live for five years in the past before he can live that fateful day. The thing is- the past doesn't want to be changed- the more you try to change it the harder it fights you.
For those who love Stephen King- this book has just enough suspense that you will be thoroughly satisfied. For those of you who are not quite as into Stephen King- this book is unlike any of his previous work and you should seriously consider giving it a shot.
First off- this is not a book of conspiracy theories (though some are addressed)- this is a work of fiction. KICK-ASS fiction.
Second- who knew that Stephen King was capable of such a good love story? I was pleasantly surprised to experience one of the most likable non-nauseating love stories I've read in recent memory.
This book is very long- but it doesn't feel like it. It looks like a big undertaking but it's totally enjoyable. Pick this one up.
*New York Times Notable Book
*Kirkus Reviews Best Fiction of 2011
*Barnes & Noble Best Books of 2011
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