I find it exceptionally interesting that so many of the YA books that are getting the most attention and loyalty all seem to do with a controlling government and/or religious oppression. I wonder if the young adults who are reading these books are taking the time to look at the state of politics and religion in our country today. Do they notice the parallels?
That being said, Jessica Spotswood's debut novel Born Wicked is the first I've read in a while that isn't dystopian- but an alternative period piece. Born Wicked is the story of three sisters towards the end of the 19th century who after their mother's death find that they may be the subject of a powerful prophecy . Oh BTW- they're witches in New England. Now before you start shouting "Crucible!" on me, let me assure you that this book is not a copycat of anything we've seen regarding the Salem Witch Trials. Spotswood managed to turn the "Little Women" feeling that I got whilst reading into a very unique fantasy with rich prose. I liked how even though I was reading a period piece the themes of the story at hand felt very relevant to today. (aka: religious oppression, censorship, sexism, homophobia, etc)
And OMG- hello new book boyfriend Finn Belestra. Gotta love a gal who can write a strong, sensitive, but still BELIEVABLE male lead.
This book is openly marketed as book one in a series (Trilogy, possibly?) and with such a shocking and emotionally jolting ending I am horrified that I now have to wait for book two. I hope Jessica knows how to write fast.
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